Three hundred bridges, forty-four islands, a sublime architectural heritage, from May to July, the White Nights of magic and history, the life, the works of some of the writers and poets of the most important modern literature. St. Petersburg which stands at the mouth of the Neva River on the Baltic Sea and borders with Finland and Estonia, has about four million people (most Orthodox), of which 15% live in Kommunalka, apartments shared by several families.
Tolstoj environment in this city much of its Anna Karenina, Ivan Turgenev wrote Memoirs of a hunter, and Dostoevsky (who called his home "a sublime chaos, universal and orderly ') atmosphere Crime and Punishment focuses on the dark side of the city and turbid on the characters who populate.
St. Petersburg is the Venice of the North, is a city of water. The Neva and channels are well integrated into inhabited areas crossed by bridges and embankments that make it even more fascinating. Great attention to detail and street tree. There are many avenues and rights, the gardens, parks, monuments and decorative sculptures. The architecture that attracts the most is that of the eighteenth century and that of the imperial city deliberately degraded Stalinist architecture and subsequently restored by Cruscev and Brezhnev.
To see absolutely the Fortress of St. Peter and Paul, Cathedral of Resurrection, the institute Smonly, the Palace Square with the Winter Palace, Nevsky Prospect, Palace of the Stock Exchange. And again. The seat of state Dekabristov Square with the monument to Peter the Great Square of the Arts, the Castle of Engineers. Among the most important churches are St. Issac's cathedral, the Cathedral of St. Nicholas and the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood with its colorful tile art nouveau announces that conquered the city in the late and makes look so impressive to the cathedral of St. Basil of Moscow.
The premises are best Imbir, Restoran, Sukawati, Onegin, Che. To sleep better search for mini hotel in the historic center solutions that offer a pleasing average prices. Among these Angleterre, Corinthia Nevsky Palace Hotel, Hotel Dostoevsky.
Rosa Di Ponzio
RispondiEliminaio ci sono stata: è una vera metropoli, risente dell'influenza dell'Europa a differenza di Mosca.Ho navigato sulla Neva, ho visitato il Giardino d'Estate ed il Palazzo Museo di Pietro I,l'Ermitage che è immenso,mi sono piaciute le strade larghissime e piene di gente e di bei negozi.Ma, nonostante sia considerata un gioiello, io penso che la nostra Venezia sia unica....
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